We recently provided a professional cleaning service for a client’s apartment. Our team started by thoroughly dusting and wiping down all surfaces, including the furniture, countertops, and cabinets. We then cleaned the kitchen and bathroom thoroughly, disinfecting all surfaces and removing any stains or buildup. The floors were vacuumed and mopped, leaving them spotless and shining. Finally, we cleaned all windows and mirrors, leaving them crystal clear. The client was extremely satisfied with our work, and appreciated the attention to detail we put into every aspect of the cleaning process.

Project details
Project type Apartment
Client Ethan S.
Completion date April 2023
Scope of work

Providing a comprehensive cleaning service for a client’s apartment. The cleaning included thorough dusting and wiping down of all surfaces, cleaning of the kitchen and bathroom, disinfection of all surfaces, removal of stains and buildup, vacuuming and mopping of the floors, and cleaning of all windows and mirrors. The focus was on attention to detail to ensure the client’s satisfaction with the final result.

  • Offer a different kind of services.
  • Deliver high quality and consistent services.
  • Use environmentall friendly cleaning products.